Sunday, 8 August 2010

Sunday Fitness...

Well, I had a marvellous baby free Saturday when my lovely husband had the Little Princess out for the whole day.  Despite being inundated with texts and messages from friends saying "don't do a single chore! Put your feet up for the entire day!" my OCD kicked in and I scrubbed the house from top to bottom, then wondered what the house cleaner will do on Monday and just exactly what I pay her for...oh well.  As my OCD is usually centred around "Hmmm is there a new magazine out this week filled with utter rubbish about that oxygen thieving, fly on hind legs Victoria Beckham that I haven't read yet?" it was a welcome change to have it focus on something somewhat useful.

This morning we are off swimming with the Little Princess and then it is off to the gym for me to get my new resistance training program.  Am continuing to struggle with a right side neck and shoulder injury and really hoping it heals soon before I am forced to start tweeting Lindsay Lohan to see where she gets all her painkiller prescriptions.

Disclaimer: I don't really have OCD, the mention was for entertainment purposes only.  Not that OCD is entertaining to those who have it.


Anonymous said...

I'm the same way...I actually CAN'T relax in the house unless it's clean. I try - and will sit on the sofa with a magazine but will then get distracted by something that needs to be dusted, and once you dust one thing, everything else looks dirty!
But cleaning is a good calorie burner : )

Becky (babybudgteing) said...

Watch your shoulder love, I have just finsihed having 6 weeks of major meds for mine and lots of physio Do try and really relax and have someone massage your neck....wheatie bag and warm baths. Take care