The first of hopefully many blogs! I say hopefully as I am a serial "starter" and serial "non finisher" (or commitment phobe as I like to call it). I am great at trying new things and coming up with sometimes crazy plans, but not the best at seeing them through to completion.
Life has done a complete 360 in the past year when I became mom to my fabulous, fun, beautiful and unfortunately virtually sleepless daughter, The Little Princess. Fitness and healthy eating somehow went out the window as large meals, sugary cups of tea and not-the-healthy-kind granola bars saw me through sleepless nights, feedings, the days where the crying and fussing seemed never ending, and the days when the baby cried too. My long ago adopted and much loved vegetarianism disappeared out the window along with any hope of wearing a bikini as I just grabbed whatever was quick, easy, and sadly, calorific.
As my fellow new moms gasped in surprise as they were fitting into their pre pregnancy size 10 skinny jeans within hours, days, or weeks after giving birth to enormous 11lb babies, I was gasping in surprise as my weight went up and my maternity clothes gave way to new clothes in a size much larger than I would have liked. Oh how I longed to visit said skinny friends with boxes of krispy kreme donuts and secretly pinch their sleeping-through-the-night-already little cherubs.
I had plenty of excuses at the ready..."they have their families nearby, mine is thousands of miles away so I get no break"..."I'll start exercising when she sleeps through the night and I'm not so exhausted" (um...I will likely be arthritic and collecting a pension when that happens)..."I'm breastfeeding, the weight should just drop off." (who knew that a newborn doesn't consume more calories than are in an entire pack of chocolate digestives?!) The simple truth is that there is no good excuse for not eating healthily and exercising moderately.
Fast forward ten months and my plan is simple. No quick, overnight fixes. No fad diets of eating only cayenne pepper on Wednesdays during a full moon. No surgery, botox, or cheek implants made from the semen of rare red squirrels (or whatever the current fad is).
1. Healthy, non packaged as much as possible food, in moderate portion sizes
2. Exercise and work towards my goal of completing a 10k race within a year
3. Return to vegetarianism and my love of vegetarian cooking
4. Scales are evil - the fit of my clothes will tell me just fine how I'm doing
5. Share my journey
Happy reading, and I would love your thoughts, feedback, experiences, criticisms....
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