Monday 30 August 2010

Today's healthy recipe - yummy Daniel Craig

That's right, you read it correctly.  There is no healthy recipe today because I am sat on the sofa enthralled by Daniel Craig's Casino Royale.  If you're absolutely devestated by the lack of a recipe today, go rent a copy of Casino Royale and you'll soon forget all about being annoyed with me.  And if that doesn't work there is clearly something wrong with you and you can get over it tomorrow when I post two healthy recipes (I can tell my new career as a psychologist is going to go well already.  I have so much wisdom to share with the world.)

G'night all! xxx


Anonymous said...

ooooo, it just showed here in cowtown a couple days ago and he is soooooo HOT!!

The Contented? Maybe. said...

The sweat you'll work up by watching Daniel Craig is surely a health-treatment in itself.
Will you be needing one of these to wipe the sweat from your brow or the drool from your chin?